Retreats, gatherings, & writer’s circles

Explore new places | Meet amazing humans | Write new work | Get creatively inspired

After working largely online for the past few years, I have fallen in love with in-person retreats and gatherings!

There is a quality of work that can be written only when we really give ourselves over to it. Retreats are amazing for opening new creative doors and for going deeper than you can go on your own.

If you’re craving…

  • lazy afternoons and rambling conversations that happen organically when creative people get together,

  • sitting around a beautifully lit table breaking bread and laughing,

  • telling our secrets around a fire,

  • adventure, train rides, new views, beautiful colors and vibrant marketplaces to feed the creative fire, 

  • but also, a lot of down time and quiet to rest, write, and rejuvenate

If you’re feeling creatively depleted, restless, or in need of new friends and colleagues who care about writing the way you do, sign up below to be notified first about upcoming retreats! (My previous retreats have sold out within a couple days of launching)

I’d love to work with other creatives and professionals to host fascinating collaborations, so if you’re interested in working together, send me an email or message me on Instagram!

Don't miss out on the next retreat – sign up for the Retreat Newsletter! You’ll get info on upcoming retreats, early bird perks, and some behind-the-scenes antics with Alix. It's like a backstage pass, but way less exclusive ;)

Upcoming Retreats!

TBD! Stay tuned

“There is a quality of listening that is possible among a circle of human beings, who by their attentiveness to one another create a space in which each person is able to give voice to the truth of his or her life. There is the miracle of authentic narrative, made possible by listening that holds still long enough to let the truth be told.

Where there is this kind of listening and speaking, a new kind of community is born - a community of life.”

-Rebecca Parker

Previous Retreats